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Where to find IT developers?

17.05.2022 14:28

Where to find IT developers?

Programming and information technology in general is one of the most in-demand and interesting fields for those looking for a modern and relevant profession. Employers are looking for IT staffing jobs in various fields, mostly developers with knowledge of several programming languages. How and where to find programmers for your company, what to ask at the interview and how to search for employees in the future?

How to find a resume

Looking for workers on specialized sites is easier than by advertising, but not as easy as it seems at first glance. Applicants may indicate in the resume information that does not correspond to reality, it is found out only at the interview. You have to turn down a potential employee, whom you have already considered promising.

High-quality recruitment of IT staff should be done on specialized sites. A good example is the Polish recruitment agency znoydzem.com, specializing specifically in programming and development.

What you need to know at the interview

To find a developer, you need to know exactly what he knows and what his previous experience is. Some companies do not look at experience, preferring to focus on the skills and/or education shown by the applicant.


Usually, companies want to find IT developers with some experience in programming or with specialized education. It is also important to know the level: the higher it is, the more in-demand the specialist becomes. Candidates below senior level are not considered when looking for managers to join the team.

In general, the requirements should come down to knowledge of your preferred programming languages and experience with them. You can also ask to see a portfolio.


One of the most important questions in the employment of programmers. How much are you willing to pay professionals at different levels? Do you pay by the month or by the hour? (If you work in Europe, for example in Poland, you most likely indicate a salary level in euros per hour.)

Check the average salaries for employees. Junior level workers have the minimum wage, higher level workers have to be paid more.

How to choose the job seeker

An IT-engineer writes his resume, specifying the basic skills, but not always he lists them all. Select a few professionals who have the skills you want (programming in certain languages), and invite them for an interview.

Selection should be based on the actual skills of the developers. If a person wrote that he is a senior developer, but the interview shows the skills of a middle level - offer him a suitable position, or refuse, if such a job is not available now.

Why znoydzem.com recruiting agency

This engineering job and resume agency has a number of advantages:

  • the convenience of a resume search
  • the ability to post your job with a detailed list of requirements
  • the ability to search by country, city and position
  • A wide selection of specialists in all common programming languages

It has features not every employment agency has. You can find any expert you need, who knows the programming language you need and has experience in their field.

The site offers a mutually beneficial cooperation - you are looking for an IT specialist for your company, and he is looking for a promising and high-paying position.

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