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Ground transportation a patient to a hospital

22.12.2021 19:30

Ground transportation a patient to a hospital

Medical evacuation by land transport

Depending on his location, condition, destination, transportation of a patient may include several measures related to evacuation. These are medical aviation, passenger flights, and ground transportation. An ambulance is used if air delivery is not recommended for the victim. Also, ground transportation a patient to a hospital can be the most rational and convenient way of transportation. It can be carried out from a neighboring country or through the territory of one state when it is necessary to quickly and safely provide qualified medical assistance. Cases of the need for emergency care and the transfer of a patient to the hospital for further treatment may vary.

  • Severe injuries and fractures.
  • Traumatic brain injury.
  • Consequences of cardiovascular lesions.
  • When a person cannot walk on their own, diseases require supportive procedures, such as mechanical ventilation. This became especially relevant during the pandemic.

Features of ground medical evacuation

For comfortable transportation, including over long distances, the victim is provided with ground transportation to a hospital service. Ambulances and reanimobiles are equipped with a powerful engine and unique suspension to smooth ride without perceptible vibrations and shocks. The spacious salon contains diagnostic and therapeutic medical equipment. There are stretchers and mattresses so that patients do not feel inconveniences during transportation, splints for fixing patients. Transport is carried out accompanied by specialists who have open visas and international certificates. They will monitor the patient's condition and, if necessary, stabilize it.

To organize a medical evacuation, they turn to the Global Voyager Assistance company, which carries out transportation quickly and at the highest level, no matter where the tourist is. The decision on the carrier method is made collectively, with the attending physician, employees of the insurance company, and assistance, and is based on the diagnosis, the severity of the disease or injury, the presence of complications, and test results. GVA performs the necessary preparation for transportation, complex medical measures on-site and on the road, thanks to a medical team. Transport can occur from one hospital to another, to a specialized hospital for treatment, evacuation from a disaster zone.

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