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IntisTele SMS Aggregator for Business

19.01.2021 10:29

IntisTele SMS Aggregator for Business

Each of the marketing tools has its own benefits, but not all ad campaigns are equally effective. The success of advertising and business in general often depends on the specialization of the company. Many entrepreneurs successfully use SMS messages, which also have their own characteristics and disadvantages. To integrate SMS aggregator software into your business, we recommend contacting Intis Tele.

Why use SMS?

There are definitely more modern marketing tools out there today, but sending SMS has proven itself over the years as one of the most effective. Each entrepreneur working with an end consumer will confirm that sending messages to the phone is 20-25% more efficient than other communication channels and allows maintaining a sufficiently high level of customer loyalty to the company.


The advantages of SMS messages are obvious:


  • the ability to promptly inform a relatively wide range of clients;
  • full coverage of the target group;
  • increase in the percentage of sales;
  • support for direct communication with each client.
  • low cost compared to other types of advertising.


With the help of short text messages, you can not only increase sales, but also remind customers about the company or product, tell about interesting offers, promotions, new events in the company. Filters can be applied to each number database to suit the needs of the audience.

Benefits of SMS-informing

An important advantage of SMS messages is that the start of the campaign can be programmed for a specific time. In addition, the mailing can be stopped at any time when the offer or product becomes irrelevant. Sending a short text message does not limit the range of users, because any phone can receive SMS.


A short message can be more eloquent than a long text that many do not read due to lack of time. At the same time, such a communication channel has its drawbacks, which, mainly, include the inability to attract new customers. However, taking into account all the advantages and disadvantages of properly organized SMS sending, such a marketing tool can be considered quite effective and convenient for users and businesses. Further, only the choice is yours!


There is no doubt that SMS messages are still an effective advertising and promotion tool. Statistics and related research in this area speaks completely of the opposite, so do not underestimate this marketing tool in all sectors of business and private enterprise.

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